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Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs We Interviewed in 2024

Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs We Interviewed in 2024

We did a total of 250 interviews in 2024 and found that there was $5 million earned JUST between the top 10 highest-paying jobs!

January 22, 2025

Daniella Flores

2024 was a wild year. 15 states now have pay transparency laws that legally require employers to disclose pay in job listings. Even though that’s only a fraction of the U.S., it’s still a huge win!

Because of the rise of salary transparency, even employers in states that don’t legally require pay disclosure are including salary ranges in their job listings.


Salary Transparent Street was created to help workers get paid what they’re worth and provide career exploration services many of us didn’t get when we were in school. Since day one, we’ve done this nationwide through street interviews with complete strangers.

In 2024, we interviewed workers from a variety of different industries and sectors. We talked to an air traffic controller making $175,000 who got started through the military, an anesthesiologist assistant making a little over $200,000 who worked 40 to 60 hours a week, and a well-known comedian and musician who makes a little over $250,000, among many others.

We actually found a total of a little over $5 million earned just between the top 10 highest-paying jobs we interviewed over the past year (including a few that don’t require a college degree). 🤯 

Keep in mind that these 10 jobs aren’t representative of the majority of hard-working Americans or Salary Transparent Street. In compiling the data for this article, we also looked at trends across all interviews. We found our median salary interviewed is $86,000, which is much closer to the national median.

You can find more of the highest-earning salaries we’ve gathered by searching our Salary Database. Don’t forget to join and add your salary too!

Key points:

  • Out of these top 10 salaries, the highest we interviewed was $3 million, while the lowest was $175,000.
  • This list includes content creation, entertainment, technology, healthcare, and government jobs.
  • 3 of the top 10 highest-paying jobs we interviewed are in healthcare.
  • Everyone started somewhere, and most did not make this much at the beginning of their career path.
  • Browse thousands of more publicly shared salaries on our Salary Database.


10 Highest-Paying Jobs We Interviewed in 2024

Out of 250 interviews we did in 2024, these were the jobs with the highest salaries.

1. E-Commerce Content Creator: $3,000,000

The highest salary we interviewed was an e-commerce content creator who also does social media monetization and made $3M last year. She has over 15 million subscribers across all platforms, with 1 million followers for her personal brand on YouTube.

E-commerce content creators are one of the highest-paying creative jobs available and do a variety of things in their role. They’re responsible for producing engaging content like product descriptions, blog posts, social media campaigns, and videos to attract and convert online shoppers. On top of all that, they also have to manage their business.

To get started in this field, she recommends picking something you’re interested in, using the power of social media, and staying consistent. 

But is this amount even true? 

It’s understandable to see someone claim an income of $3M and think they might be lying. Profit margins are high in e-commerce but we included her because she still would have likely made the top of the list if we knew her exact take-home pay.

For comparison, STS has about half of her following and brought in over $1M this year.


How much does this #ContentCreator and worker in #ECommerce make in Miami, FL? #capitalonepartner

2. Developer Advocate and Creator: $300,000 - $400,000

We interviewed a developer advocate and content creator who makes between $300,000 to $400,000 a year, topping the list as the 2nd highest-paying job. But what even is a developer advocate?

A developer advocate is like a software developer that helps other companies develop and implement their software. They then take that feedback to their company for ways to improve the product.

They got started in the Air Force, where they taught themself how to code, then worked as a software engineer before becoming a developer advocate. 


How did he go from the Air Force, to #SoftwareEngineer to #DeveloperAdvocate making $300K+?!

3. Comedian and Musician: $250,000+

Following the trend of multi hyphenated professionals – who are folks that explore several different types of work – we interviewed a comedian and musician who makes $250,000 a year


Morgan Jay is a well-known entertainer with 2.1 million followers on Instagram who makes the majority of his income from touring for shows, colleges, clubs, corporate events, and private events. However, he didn’t make any money at all for the first 10 years and worked in retail to get by. 

Even though his gross income may net close to half a million dollars, he indicated that a big portion of that goes to his agents, managers, lawyers, taxes, and other expenses. After that, he is left with about half – $250,000.

4. Termite Inspector: $249,000

Termite inspection is quite a unique job. They assess properties for signs of termite activity, damage, and infestation risks. They usually use various tools for their job, such as moisture meters and probing devices.

The termite inspector we interviewed makes $249,000 a year. He’s in his 3rd year on the job and loves what he does.

5. Solutions Engineer Manager: $220,000+

We interviewed a manager of solutions engineers that makes anywhere between $220,000 to $250,000 a year in their role.

Solutions engineers are very similar to software engineers, except that they’re more involved in the design and implementation phases rather than the development and maintenance of software applications.

Managing teams of solutions engineers requires technical experience, familiarity with the applications they’re designing, and the ability to effectively manage people and teams.

6. Physician: $221,000

Physicians are known to have high salaries, especially considering how much they end up paying for school.

We interviewed a physician that makes $221,000 a year. However, she didn’t feel well compensated, having to work 50 to 60 hours a week, but she stated that her hospital probably compensates her better than most in the area. 

Given that she is a general internist primary care doctor and the shortage of them, she indicated it would be nice if she also received additional benefits, such as having student loans paid off.

Unfortunately, we can’t include her full interview because we chose to take it down. She ended up facing retaliation at work and we don’t want workers to get in trouble. 

This brings up an interesting question though – Was the backlash she faced illegal? Check our pay transparency law tracker to know your rights.


To learn more about well-paid medical jobs, check out our article on the highest-paying healthcare jobs!

7. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Electrician: $107 an hour

Union electricians are known to get paid VERY well with outstanding benefits. We interviewed an IBEW electrician who makes $107 an hour after 22 years of union work. She started out making $7 an hour as an apprentice.

The pay isn’t the only good part of the job either. She indicated her healthcare benefits are top-tier and she loves the solidarity and community that comes with the role.

There are electrician jobs that are both union and non-union. She raves about the perks of working in a union. Frankly, we agree! If non-union electricians want to join or form a union, they can absolutely do that!

Working as an electrician isn’t the only trade job with great pay. Check out our article on the 18 highest-paying trade jobs for more!


⚡How Much Do Female Electricians Make? Real Pay, Real Stories from Women in the IBEW💸

8. Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant (CAA): $200,000+

We interviewed a CAA who makes over $200,000 a year as her base salary, plus her overtime, and has worked in the role since 2021. Her salary is based in Florida, she loves her job, and her compensation package allows for a good amount of time off to enjoy her life.

To get into the role, she first completed her bachelor’s degree, did some pre-health experiences, research, then got into the CAA program.


#CAA making $200K+! #CertifiedAnesthesiologistAssistant #salarytransparentstreet @CAALifestyle

9. Pediatric ICU Travel Nurse: $200,000

It makes sense that out of the top 10 highest-paying salaries on this list, there are 3 different jobs in healthcare. We interviewed a pediatric ICU travel nurse making $200,000 a year. She’s been a nurse for 5 and a half years and a travel nurse for 3 of those years.

Travel nurses typically work short-term assignments that last anywhere from 8 to 26 weeks or more in various healthcare facilities to address staffing shortages. They often have the flexibility to choose their assignments, locations, and schedules, and make for quite the appealing career choice for those who enjoy travel and variety.

10. Air Traffic Controller: $175,000

The last one on this list is an air traffic controller we interviewed that makes $175,000 a year. Air traffic control is actually one of the highest-paying government jobs out there!

A common misconception is that not every controller is in a control tower! He indicated that there are 3 different facilities that they work in; tower control facilities, area control centers, and terminal radar approach control (TRACON). In general, the area control centers make more money because they handle a larger volume of traffic.

He got started through the military, but stated that you need about 3 years of general work experience to break into the field, and, most importantly, you can’t be older than 31 when you apply.



How much does an #AirTrafficController make?📍Arlington, VA #salarytransparentstreet

How to Land a High-Paying Job in 2025

There aren't any special secrets or shortcuts to earning a high salary with great benefits. It all takes work.

As you can see from our interviews, everyone starts out somewhere and may not make a ton in the beginning. It’s the years of consistent work and education that helps them reach a higher salary, even if it’s only a few years like we saw with some of the interviews in this list. 

As we close out 2024, what will 2025 have in store for us? More high-paying jobs and money in your pocket, we presume 🤑

That wraps it up for this week. Until next time, stay awesome, stay strong, and keep advocating for yourself no matter what! I’m Daniella, a writer, engineer, and creator of I Like to Dabble and Remote Work Bestie - my blog and podcast for leveling up your money, career, and side hustles. I’m extremely passionate about workers' rights and financial freedom, so it’s a pleasure to be able to bring you this type of content through the Salary Transparent Street blog (thank you for the opportunity, Hannah!) You can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, and Twitter. Chat soon!

If this guide helps you land a higher-paying job, let us know! Send us an email ➡️ hello@salarytransparentstreet.com

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